Arizona is filled with beautiful weather, high temperatures and sunny days. We never have to worry about snowstorms or hurricanes, but we do have to be aware of the possibility of dust storms. Dust storms are strong winds filled with dense blinding dust. They most often occur in the summer months of the year. Today we’re going to help you stay prepared by going through five tips for driving in a dust storm here in Arizona.
Are dust storms dangerous to drive in?
A dust storm can easily be spotted because it looks like a giant cylinder of dust. They can be many miles wide and go rolling across the desert. If a dust storm makes its way to the highway, it can throw drivers into near darkness almost instantly. If you are driving when a dust storm strikes DO NOT stop on the road because cars will most likely be coming behind you and not see you in time to stop.
- DON’T panic
- DON’T stop in the middle of the road.
- DO drive slowly and safely to the side of the road
- If you can’t pull over, drive slowly and watch the lane line
- Wait it out

[ Related: Mercedes-Benz Safety Features ]
To fight the Arizona dust storms (haboob) you can now take advantage of our Breath Clean Special here at Mercedes-Benz of Arrowhead. When you present this coupon you will get the Breathe Clean Special for just $249.95. This service includes performance and evaporator core service and a replacement cabin filter. If you are interested in this service or anything else Mercedes-Benz-related, call or visit us here at Mercedes-Benz of Arrowhead.