Side view of the Side view of the Front view of the 2017 Mercedes-Benz E-Class

The New Lights On The 2017 Mercedes-Benz E-Class Are Smarter Than Us

2017 Mercedes-Benz E-Class Lighting Features

Let’s face it; the lightbulb as we know it is dead. It had a good run but it is now almost entirely obsolete thanks to LEDs, or Light-Emitting Diodes. LEDs are small, but when you put them together with, say, a couple hundred other LEDs, then you have some serious light. The 2017 Mercedes-Benz E-Class lighting features will consist entirely of LEDs both inside and out. Read the rest of this entry >>

2017 Mercedes-Benz E-Class on road

New Technologies of the 2017 Mercedes-Benz E-Class!

2017 Mercedes-Benz E-Class New Features

Mercedes-Benz is and always has been a leader in automotive technological advancement. From the huge display screen to the touch control buttons on the steering wheel, it is no surprise to us that we are not worthy of the 2017 Mercedes-Benz E-Class new features. In fact, the 2017 E-Class has learned many new tricks that have never before been seen in an automobile and will probably take competitors five years to catch up with. Read the rest of this entry >>

Side view of the Side view of the Front view of the 2017 Mercedes-Benz E-Class

When Can I Buy a 2017 Mercedes-Benz E-Class?

2017 Mercedes-Benz E-Class Release Date

The 2017 Mercedes-Benz E-Class release date could potentially be one of the most important releases in Mercedes-Benz history. Yes, that is a bold statement but if you haven’t read up on the new features of the 2017 Mercedes-Benz E-Class yet, you are way behind and will need about 12 free hours to be able to get through them all. Read the rest of this entry >>

A poster wishing Merry Christmas

Where To Eat on Christmas 2015 in Phoenix AZ

Phoenix Restaurants Open on Christmas 2015

It’s not part of an ancient tradition, but it is growing in popularity every year. Going out to eat is something that many families are finding to be more enjoyable than staying in on Christmas Day. Traditionally, if you needed anything on Christmas Day, you were out of luck. Even if you forgot batteries, it was next to impossible to find a gas station that could accommodate you. Forget trying to get a bite to eat! Now, more and more restaurants are staying open to feed hungry people during the holidays. Here are a few Phoenix restaurants open on Christmas 2015. Read the rest of this entry >>

2017 Mercedes-Benz SL-Class parked in front of a building

2017 SL-Class Trim Specifications

2017 Mercedes-Benz SL-Class Horsepower

Is there such a thing as too much horsepower? No way! No matter how much power you can pack under the hood, there is always room for improvement. Actually, we think General Custer would agree with us when we say that not enough horsepower can and will end you. Horsepower is always one of the first things that is brought up about a car, whether it be a sports car or a minivan, because horsepower is a strong indication of what will happen if your foot falls asleep on the pedal. With that being said, the 2017 Mercedes-Benz SL-Class horsepower numbers will probably make you nauseous, so grab a chair and brace yourself to it. Read the rest of this entry >>

A sleepy child in a vehicle

2016 Mercedes-Benz Car Seat Lineup and Weight Range Information

Mercedes-Benz Car Seats

Mercedes-Benz vehicles are not often associated with children, which is ironic in a way because Mercedes-Benz makes some of the safest cars in the world, thanks to things like Pre-Safe Sound and Pre-Safe Impulse Side? Did you know that the brand even offers official Mercedes-Benz car seats that are custom-fitted to your Mercedes-Benz? It’s true. They are offered as options with each purchase of a Mercedes Benz and are featured in an annual newsletter that owners receive that could be thought of as the Skymall for luxury-car enthusiasts. Read the rest of this entry >>

Front view of the 2017 Mercedes-Benz SL-Class parked in front of a building

2017 Mercedes-Benz SL-Class Roadster Preview

2017 Mercedes-Benz SL-Class Release Date

Initially, the plan Mercedes-Benz had for the newest SL-Class was to unveil it at the LA Auto Show. Because we live in the future and because the internet makes all of our decisions for us, pictures of the 2017 model are already floating around showing off the new look of the roadster. No information has come directly from Mercedes-Benz yet, but with this leak and statistical analysis of release dates throughout history, we can estimate when the 2017 Mercedes-Benz SL-Class release date will be. Read the rest of this entry >>

A soldier saluting

Where Can Veterans Go For a Free Meal on Veterans Day in Phoenix AZ?

Free Veterans Day Meals Phoenix AZ

If you are a Veteran or know a Veteran in the Phoenix area, make sure to cash in on these free Veterans Day meals in Pheonix AZ on November 11th. After all, you earned it! You don’t need a 2016 Metris to get to them because all of these places have Phoenix addresses and are offering some sort of complimentary item for all veterans and active-duty members. Read the rest of this entry >>