Category Archives: Technology

2017 Mercedes-AMG E43 Sedan

See What You’re Missing At the 2016 Consumer Electronics Show in Vegas

Mercedes-Benz Displays CES 2016

The international Consumer Electronics Show is under way in Las Vegas and Mercedes-Benz is there in full force. In a previous blog post, we speculated that the 2017 E-Class release would be the center of attention, but now we see Mercedes-Benz had a lot more up its sleeve. Read on for a closer look at the Mercedes-Benz displays at CES 2016. Read the rest of this entry >>

2020 Mercedes-Benz SLC Final Edition

When Can I Buy a 2016 Mercedes-Benz SLC300 in Phoenix AZ?

2017 Mercedes-Benz SLC300 Release Date

The SLC300 is the base-model to the all-new Mercedes-Benz SLC, but it can hardly be labeled an entry-level vehicle. It is the perfect combination of power, efficiency, and balance, making it one of the most fun cars to drive. It was great as the Mercedes-Benz SLK, but we expect drivers everywhere will flock to the 2017 Mercedes-Benz SLC300 release date because where else can you get millionaire-status luxury for less than $50,000? Read the rest of this entry >>

front view of the 2017 Mercedes-AMG SLC43 on road

The 2017 Mercedes-AMG SLC Zero to Sixty Will Astound You

2017 Mercedes-AMG SLC43 0-60 Time

The 2017 Mercedes-AMG SLC43 Roadster, previously known as the SLK, has a 0-60 time of 4.6 seconds. To give you something to compare that to, the worlds fastest motorcycles use about 3 seconds to get to the same speed. This is amazing considering motorcycles weight less than 1,000 pounds when the SLC43 weighs in closer to 3,000 pounds. How could the 2017 Mercedes-AMG SLC43 0-60 time be possible? With six cylinders and two turbochargers, that’s how. Read the rest of this entry >>

Side view of the 2017 Mercedes-Benz GLA

2017 Mercedes-Benz GLA New Features

2017 Mercedes-Benz GLA250 Upgrades

Even with the hype of the new Mercedes-Benz GLE and the return of the Mercedes-AMG S65 Cabriolet, the GLA is still able to turn heads thanks to its new upgrades and features that make it one of the best sports cars, or compact SUVs in this case, for the money. For an explanation about why the 2017 GLA250 release is just as exciting as the others, take a look at some of the 2017 Mercedes-Benz GLA250 upgrades. Read the rest of this entry >>

Side view of the Mercedes-Benz E-Class2017

Get Front Row Seats For The 2017 Mercedes-Benz E-Class Big Screen

2017 Mercedes-Benz E-Class Interior Display

As 2015 comes to a close and the 2017 E-Class date approaches, we are trying to keep our jaws off the floor because of all the new features of the 2017 Mercedes-Benz E-Class. Among these features exists the 2017 Mercedes-Benz E-Class interior display. The fact that it is all digital is cool, but that is old news. The cool part about this display screen is the size and resolution. Have you ever been in a movie theater? How about in an E-Class? These questions will soon be synonymous and the world will rejoice! Read the rest of this entry >>

Side view of the Side view of the Front view of the 2017 Mercedes-Benz E-Class

Feast Your Eyes On The World’s First Touch Pad Steering Wheel

2017 Mercedes-Benz E-Class Touch Control Steering Wheel

Some auto manufacturers get caught up with adding new features to their cars that the driving experience becomes to complex and troublesome to be worth the purchase. Mercedes-Benz is not one of these companies. Mercedes-Benz believes that vehicles should get more simple. There should be less moving parts, less buttons, and more room to enjoy the road. One example of how Mercedes-Benz is making driving less complex is the 2017 Mercedes-Benz E-Class touch control steering wheel function. Read the rest of this entry >>

Side view of the Side view of the Front view of the 2017 Mercedes-Benz E-Class

The New Lights On The 2017 Mercedes-Benz E-Class Are Smarter Than Us

2017 Mercedes-Benz E-Class Lighting Features

Let’s face it; the lightbulb as we know it is dead. It had a good run but it is now almost entirely obsolete thanks to LEDs, or Light-Emitting Diodes. LEDs are small, but when you put them together with, say, a couple hundred other LEDs, then you have some serious light. The 2017 Mercedes-Benz E-Class lighting features will consist entirely of LEDs both inside and out. Read the rest of this entry >>

2017 Mercedes-Benz E-Class on road

New Technologies of the 2017 Mercedes-Benz E-Class!

2017 Mercedes-Benz E-Class New Features

Mercedes-Benz is and always has been a leader in automotive technological advancement. From the huge display screen to the touch control buttons on the steering wheel, it is no surprise to us that we are not worthy of the 2017 Mercedes-Benz E-Class new features. In fact, the 2017 E-Class has learned many new tricks that have never before been seen in an automobile and will probably take competitors five years to catch up with. Read the rest of this entry >>

A sleepy child in a vehicle

2016 Mercedes-Benz Car Seat Lineup and Weight Range Information

Mercedes-Benz Car Seats

Mercedes-Benz vehicles are not often associated with children, which is ironic in a way because Mercedes-Benz makes some of the safest cars in the world, thanks to things like Pre-Safe Sound and Pre-Safe Impulse Side? Did you know that the brand even offers official Mercedes-Benz car seats that are custom-fitted to your Mercedes-Benz? It’s true. They are offered as options with each purchase of a Mercedes Benz and are featured in an annual newsletter that owners receive that could be thought of as the Skymall for luxury-car enthusiasts. Read the rest of this entry >>

Side view of the 2017 Mercedes-Benz GLS

What Driving Modes Does the GLS Have?

2017 Mercedes-Benz GLS-Class DYNAMIC SELECT Options

One of the newest innovations from Mercedes-Benz is the DYNAMIC SELECT driving mode function. With this futuristic technology, Mercedes-Benz drivers can customize the driving experience to better match their driving habits. Whether it be a focus on gas mileage or lateral stability, there is a driving mode in every Mercedes-Benz for every situation. What is even more exciting is the fact that Mercedes-Benz usually offers a unique driving mode for each vehicle. For the 2017 Mercedes-Benz GLS-Class DYNAMIC SELECT options, Mercedes-Benz added OFF-ROAD+ to the list possible driving modes. Read the rest of this entry >>